When Will 'Dragon Ball Super' Introduce Goku's New Transformation?
It looks like the countdown to Goku’s new transformation is about to begin. Earlier today, the studio behind Dragon Ball Super
released first-look footage at the Saiyan’s mysterious power-up. Fans
are eager to know when Goku will take on his new form, and it might be
much sooner than anyone expected.
Toei Animation released a short TV spot earlier today to promote two of its biggest anime series. One Piece and Dragon Ball Super will
get one-hour specials in October, and the footage released for the
latter series got fans hyped. The reel showed Goku fighting with Jiren
before the hero finally showed off his upcoming transformation.
Jiren set to finally fight Goku, fans are thinking the Saiyan will
unleash his new transformation during battle. Goku has been waiting to
fight the Universe 11 champion for sometime, and he may discover his
power-up once he’s backed into a corner. If Goku’s new transformation
debuts during his battle with Jiren, then it will premiere on October 8
when the Dragon Ball Super special airs.
However, there is a chance fans will see Goku’s new form briefly before the anime airs in October. Rumors began circulating within the anime fandom that Dragon Ball Super
would bring out Goku’s transformation on September 24. The anime’s
108th episode may force Goku to take on his new form in its final
moments before it goes on a week-long break. The anime will not debut a
new episode on October 1 to make room for One Piece’s special, leaving it to return with an hour-long special on October 8.
If Dragon Ball Super
plans to debut Goku’s new form in the show’s 108th episode, then fans
better buckle in right now. The show just aired its 105th episode this
weekend, so there isn’t much time for fans to brace themselves. The
anime’s next two episodes will set up Goku to undergo a transformation
unlike any fans have seen before, and the event will lead into one of
Goku’s most anticipated fights to-date.
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