mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Garanti's history

Continues to accomplish many firsts in its history

With innovative products and superior customer-oriented services, Garanti will continue to “make a difference” in the lives of individuals in the current period and beyond.


Founded in Ankara.


Joined Doğuş Group, a conglomerate operating in finance, industrial and services sectors.


Went public; its shares began trading on the ISE.


First Turkish company to issue shares in international markets.


First bank to work during lunch time
Introduced the first Cash Management Account in Turkey (E.L.M.A.).


First private bank to launch "Business Owner Package" dedicated to support SMEs.
First bank in Turkey to establish a dedicated  Cash Management Department.


Became the first multi-branch private bank in Turkey to offer real-time online services.
The first Turkish bank to offer internet and telephone banking together.
Offered Turkey’s first Direct Debit System.


The first bank to offer "Virtual P.O.S." system.
Launched Turkey's first e-trade website (
First bank in the world to issue trade payment rights securitization.


Introduced Bonus Card, Turkey's first chip-based and multi-branded credit card.
Introduced Shop & Miles, Turkey's first credit card that earns miles while shopping


Merged with Ottoman Bank, another banking subsidiary of Doğuş Group.


Established Turkey's first interbank card platform with Bonus Card.


Offered Turkey's first Online Direct Debit System.


First bank in the world to offer SMS-based money transfer via CepBank.
First Turkish company to receive the Investors in People (IIP) achievement certificate for the quality of its human resources practices.
Turkey's first cardless bill payment and money deposit transactions through ATM.
General Electric and Doğuş Group became equal strategic partners in Garanti Bank.


Introduced world's first flexible credit card, FlexiCard, enabling customization of all parameters including financial and visual.
Introduced Bonus Trink, the PayPass featured credit card with contactless chip technology.
Initiated Turkey's first bill payment service via P.O.S. machines.
Offered "5 minute loan" service whereby the applicant receives the evaluation in 5 minutes.
First bank in Turkey to create "paperless banking" operating environment and first bank in the world with ID scanning facilities in branches
The first Turkish private bank to offer "Woman Entrepreneurs Support Package".
The only bank in Turkey with exclusive rights to issue American Express Centurion Line Cards and to accept merchants to its network.


Partnership agreement with one of the prominent insurance companies in Europe, Eureko B.V. (Holland) to transfer 80% of shares in Garanti Insurance and 15% of shares in Garanti Pension.
Launched "Garanti Discount", Turkey's first web-based supplier financing system.
Launched Turkey's first Direct Debit System with risk sharing model.
Introduced PayPass featured Bonus Trink credit cards in the form of watch and key fob – both firsts in Europe and sticker- a first in the world.
Introduced Environmentally Friendly Bonus Card, a first in Turkey and Europe with its features as an ecologic product such as its plastic, communication materials and donation characteristics
First bank in Turkey to offer web-based transactions on TurkDex (The Turkish Derivatives Exchange) via online banking.


Bought back founder share certificates, an important move toward improved corporate governance.
Launched Turkey's first Inventory Finance System.
Established Turkey's first mortgage call center, 444 EVIM.
Launched Loan via P.O.S., commercial installment loan offered through P.O.S. system, a first in the world and in Turkey.
Performed Turkey's first cardless remittance via ATMs, where both parties are non-bank customers and want to transfer money.
Founded the Teachers Academy Foundation (ÖRAV), with the aim of fostering consistent personal and professional development of teachers.


Turkey's first bank to offer "e-government" payments.
Introduced Money Card, Turkey's first credit card which is multi-branded and also offers brand-specific loyalty benefits.
Launched Turkey's first last minute EFT service.
Offered Western Union transactions via Internet branch as a first in the world.
Developed Turkey's first Gold Financing System.
Launched DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) P.O.S. enabling foreign card holders to pay in their own currencies.
Started calculating its greenhouse gas emissions.


Established the Sustainability Committee.
Submitted its greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategy to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Introduced another first in Turkey by performing Western Union transactions through ATMs as well as Internet Banking.
Launched the world's first NFC (Near Field Communication) payment enabled SIM card "Bonuslu Avea".


Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) and Doğuş Group became equal strategic partners in Garanti Bank, through BBVA’s acquisition of shares from GE Capital Corporation and Doğuş Holding A.Ş.
Sold its 20% shareholding in Eureko Insurance to Eureko B.V. by exercising its put option.
Joined UNEP FI (The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative).
SALT was established to provide long-lasting support to culture and experimental thinking in Turkey
Entered the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Global 500 Report 2011, a global reporting system on climate change.
Became the first private enterprise to issue the longest tenor Eurobond in Turkey.
Provided Turkey’s first TL-denominated long-term project finance facility.
Introduced Cep-T Paracard in collaboration with Turkcell and MasterCard, Turkey’s first prepaid card enabling SIM-based secure service that can be used with mobile handset devices.


Set up its Environmental Management System and Environmental Policy.
Signed up to the United Nations Global Compact.
Became the first bank in Turkey to become a member of the Turkish Business Council for Sustainable Development (TBCSD).
Introduced Garanti Link which offers special campaigns to social media users as a first in Turkey.
Introduced Net Account as a first in Turkey which offers a variety of returns based on income, saving capability and habits, and with regard to opening dates and regular payment amounts.
Established sector’s first Auto Loan Support Line; 444OTOM.
Became the first bank in Turkey to apply Call Steering, apprehending the request expressed by the customer and directing them to the related task point.
Launched world’s first banking application for Windows 8.
In partnership with Shell, introduced Shell Partner Card as a first in Turkey to combine cash and fuel management in a single card.
Introduced Turkey’s first contactless SME-specific credit card, Easy Card.
Introduced Takas Kart (Barter Card) that enables the automation of cash flow between dairy industries, milk cooperatives, and milk producers through merging the means of exchange with technology on a plastic card.
First Bank in the world to offer web-based solution to the working capital needs of car dealers for the purchase of second hand cars via Exchange Finance.

The Kabbalah Centre

All of the teachings of The Kabbalah Centre are based on the ancient texts of Kabbalah, such as the Zohar and the writings of the great 16th century kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari).
The understanding of these foundational texts has been passed down directly from teacher to student over the course of 4,000 years. In 1922, The Kabbalah Centre founder, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, completed the first translation of The Zohar from the ancient language of Aramaic into modern day Hebrew. This was a pinnacle moment in Kabbalah history, for it marked the first time Kabbalah was made available to the layperson.
After the passing of Rav Ashlag, Rav Brandwein, his closest student, continued the dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Rav Berg studied with Rav Brandwein for years and the two became very close. Upon Rav Brandwein’s passing, the leadership of The Kabbalah Centre was handed to Rav Berg. As a reflection of this legacy, The Kabbalah Centre is privileged to have the original correspondences between Rav Brandwein and Rav Berg.
The Kabbalah Centre is proud of its success in delivering this ancient wisdom so people can use it to better their lives. To this end, The Kabbalah Centre presents countless books and meditation guides. Perhaps most important is the first complete, unabridged, 23-volume English translation of The Zohar, by Michael Berg. Over the centuries there have been partial translations - but never a complete literal translation.

The Book of Formation by Abraham the PatriarchABRAHAM THE PATRIARCH – 4000 YEARS AGO
Abraham. Patriarch of Judaism. Seed of Christianity. Father of Islam.
Abraham was the first man to realize that there is only one God, and that the entire universe is interconnected as one unified whole on a deeper level of reality.
The great patriarch was the first man to transcribe a book on Kabbalah. It is called the Book of Formation, and it holds the secrets of our universe. Remarkably, the entire compilation is only a few pages long, a mere few hundred words.
QUESTION: How can all the mysteries of our universe be compressed into so small a text?
ANSWER: The book is a coded formula.
Consider Einstein's equation: E=mc². Pages of mathematical equations are concealed inside this simple formula. The secrets of time, space, and motion are reduced to five simple characters.
There lies the secret behind the Book of Formation: Abraham's work contains all the spiritual equations concerning our world of time, space, and motion. The Book of Formation contains all the secrets of existence - from the origins of life to the origins of the chaos that afflicts mankind.
The same way that a child - and most adults, for that matter - has a difficult time understanding Einstein's formula, the people of Abraham's generation failed to perceive the infinite wisdom within his ancient manuscript. It took a few thousand years before mankind would unravel the secrets of electrical energy. It will take as many years for us to unravel the secrets of spiritual energy locked inside Abraham's Book of Formation.

Due to a decree by the Roman Emperor, which forbade the Talmudic studies, Rav Shimon Bar Yochai sought refuge in a cave in Peki'in, Israel for thirteen years. During these long years of painful isolation, he received instruction in Kabbalah. His teachers were Moses and Elijah the prophet, who visited him in visions.
When leadership of the Roman Empire changed hands, Rav Shimon and his son were free to return to Jerusalem.
To protect the secrets of the universe that were revealed to him, Rav Shimon called upon one student - Rav Abba - to commit his teachings to written word. Rav Abba had an extraordinary gift for writing in the abstract language of metaphor and parable. Thus, the secrets would be safe, deftly concealed inside abstruse stories, making it difficult for the unworthy to grasp and misuse this ancient power and the Zohar, the ultimate spiritual work on Kabbalah, was born.
To this day, The Zohar, or Book Of Splendor, is acknowledged as the definitive and authoritative work on kabbalistic wisdom.
The Zohar expounded upon ideas and concepts that were centuries ahead of their time. In an age where science determined the world was flat, the Zohar depicted our planet as spherical, with people experiencing day and night at the same time, in different time zones.
The Zohar describes the moment of creation as a Big Bang-like explosion. It speaks of a universe that exists in ten dimensions. It explores the notion of parallel universes. These speculations were considered heretical and frightening. Yet, they were not the most fantastic to appear in theZohar. That designation belongs to the next idea...
Rav Shimon said the Zohar is more than a book of secrets and spiritual wisdom.
It is a powerful energy-giving instrument, a life-saving tool imbued with the power to bring genuine peace, protection, healing, and fulfillment to those who possess it.
The Zohar can ignite the soul of a generation, a catalyst for profound change and transformation within the consciousness of man and society.
In other words, just as a light bulb illuminates a darkened room, the spiritual Light of the Zoharcan enlighten the minds of humanity to the hidden mysteries of the cosmos. According to the kabbalists, these unseen influences will eventually help shape the destiny of humankind, as the Zohar's presence gradually grows in our world.
Rav Shimon stated that there would come a day when even a six-year-old child will delve into the spiritual wisdom of Kabbalah. But until that time arrives, the original manuscripts of the Zoharmust remain concealed. They were then hidden away for centuries.
The dimming of the Zohar's spiritual Light coincided with the Dark Ages, a time where every aspect of civilization - including education, science, and communications - was in severe regression.
In the year 1270 C.E. the Zohar reappeared, discovered by Rav Moses De Leon in Spain. As the Light of the Zohar radiated into the world, it sparked the collective consciousness of a generation, coinciding with the Renaissance.

The 16th Century brought forth the most influential kabbalist in history: Rav Isaac Luria. A brilliant scholar by age 13, he was called "The Ari," which means "The Holy Lion."
The Ari had the gift of exploring the innermost depths of the Zohar, living as a hermit for 13 years to probe its mysteries. It was not unusual for the Ari to meditate upon one verse of the Zohar for many months, until the hidden meaning was revealed to him.
The Ari uncovered extraordinary secrets inside the Zohar's poetic words. He described a system of evolution that went far beyond what Darwin would explain centuries later, writing:
A time will come when men of science will, in their search for the missing link between man and animal, attempt to consider the monkey as that living form from which man evolved.
             —Tree of Life, Gate 42, Ch. 1
The Ari's greatest legacy was his kabbalistic composition The Writings of the Ari, compiled by his most cherished student, Rav Chaim Vital. This profound work gave birth to what is known as Lurianic Kabbalah. Lurianic Kabbalah became the definitive school of kabbalistic thought, and had a dramatic impact on the world. Eminent contemporary scholars are only now discovering the profound influence this great Renaissance Kabbalist had on such intellectual luminaries as Sir Isaac Newton.
Professor Allison P. Coudert contends in her book The Impact of the Kabbalah in the Seventeenth Century, that "Lurianic Kabbalah deserves a place it has never received in the histories of Western scientific and cultural developments."
The great mathematician and philosopher Leibniz, who invented calculus, was profoundly influenced by Kabbalah. Isaac Newton studied Kabbalah, wherein he found ideas that bear a striking resemblance to some of his greatest scientific discoveries.
At the young age of 38, Rav Isaac Luria left this world. He left a spiritual system that, when fully deciphered, will enable humanity to take control over its individual and collective destiny—a road map and guide for the body and soul that will relieve people of their chaos, fear, pain, and suffering. All knowledge and material appearing on this website is rooted in Lurianic Kabbalah.
It is said that the Ari came to this world for one purpose: to instruct his student, Rav Chaim Vital, in the Lurianic system of Kabbalah.

Chesed Le'Avraham cover by Rav AzulaiRAV ABRAHAM AZULAI

Famed Kabbalist Rav Abraham Azulai wrote a kabbalistic treatise entitled The Mercy of Abraham. Two particular passages stand out.
In the first, Rav Azulai wrote that a significant spiritual transformation will begin to take hold beginning with the year 2000. It will be an age where Kabbalah will spread to the four corners of the globe, a period when time and space shrink, a time when the secrets of immortality will begin to unravel before the world's eyes.
The second passage reveals a historic decree:
From the year 1540 and onward, the basic levels of Kabbalah must be taught publicly to everyone, young and old. Only through Kabbalah will we forever eliminate war, destruction, and man's inhumanity to his fellow man.
                -The Mercy of Abraham
And so, it came to pass that from the year 1540 onward, the prohibition against learning Kabbalah was over. But there was a problem...
The world was at a crossroads. The lines between science, philosophy, and religion were blurred. Brilliant minds dabbled freely among these three disciplines. Unlike the view of contemporary scientists, a connection between science and spirituality was not frowned upon, but understood for what it truly was: two halves of one whole!
Throughout history, there have been men well-versed in the philosophies, sciences and spiritual traditions. Some of these men have mined Kabbalah for their own gain and honor, advancing their egos but delaying the arrival of a world that embodies peace and fulfillment for all mankind.
From this perspective, these were still dangerous times. Prejudice and bias towards spiritual wisdom - as it exists today - was practically non-existent during the Renaissance, even among the most material-minded men. Therefore, it was imperative that the Ari's writings remain encoded and obscured.
Nonetheless, Rav Abraham Azulai's historic action officially planted the seed for disseminating Kabbalah to the people. The seed would just have to wait a little bit longer before being allowed to grow.


Rav Ashlag was the one man who truly understood - and helped advance - the transformations of the 20th Century.
Rav Ashlag broke with the 4,000-year-old tradition that had locked Kabbalah's great power inside the mystifying writings of the Ari. The time had come to act. The ancient vaults to Kabbalah were to be opened by the hands of this renowned sage.
Rav Ashlag explained that the Zohar foresaw the physicality of today's material world and its rule over the spiritual reality. During these times, men motivated by self-interest, intellectualism, and ego avoid spiritual wisdom like the plague. Only those who seek truth with a pure heart are able to find this wisdom. These views are expressed in his kabbalistic treatise Entrance to the Tree of Life.
In such a generation as ours there is nothing to be feared from disclosing the true wisdom openly.
             - Entrance to the Tree of Life, Rav Yehuda Ashlag
The year was 1922. Rav Ashlag established the very first Kabbalah Centre in the city of Jerusalem. Learning was made available to those who were steeped in religious studies, and were over the age of 40.
Many leading rabbis of his generation applauded this historic opening. Others vehemently opposed it, fanning the flames of controversy that surrounded the dissemination of this spiritual wisdom. Rav Ashlag was even beaten outside of his synagogue. He was left lying in his own blood, on the steps of his temple, merely for offering wisdom to his fellow man.
Rav Ashlag delved into Lurianic Kabbalah with devout fervor, unraveling some of the greatest secrets that mankind has ever known. But the vast majority of the world paid little attention to his historic action, nor could they perceive its influence.
His writings tackle topics that pertain to the ultimate removal of chaos - the chaos that has ravaged humankind since time immemorial, with concepts such as relativity, space travel, healing, and other matters affecting the welfare of humankind that were first concealed in the Zohar some 2000 years ago.
Rav Ashlag's genius lay in his ability to extrapolate these secrets from the Ari's 500-year-old writings. As the mysteries were unveiled, they were injected into the collective unconscious of the people, including his counterparts toiling in the world of physics. Once again, the "monolith effect" was at work. On the unseen spiritual level, his work ignited the technological explosion of the 20th century.
Blessed with immense powers of meditation and vision, Rav Ashlag wrote:
“Redemption depends on the learning of Kabbalah. If people neglect the study of spirituality, then poverty, war, desolation, murder, and destruction will come to the world.”
Rav Ashlag departed our physical world in 1955 on the holiday of Yom Kippur, leaving the legacy of the first-ever Hebrew translation of the Zohar from its original Aramaic. This monumental tome includes a profound and lucid commentary disclosing the long-hidden secrets of the Zohar and their relevance to our lives. His other notable legacy is his beloved student, kabbalist Rav Yehuda Brandwein, who succeeded Rav Ashlag as the spiritual leader of the Kabbalah Centre.


Before his death, Rav Ashlag told Rav Brandwein that he would soon merit his own students, and that one of them would help bring this wisdom to the world, amid great protest and scorn.
A gentle and devout soul, Rav Brandwein was a man of the people. He evoked a deep love in all those with whom he came in contact. Both atheists and pious men had great reverence for him. He had an uncommon ability to straddle two worlds - climbing scaffolding on construction sites to lay bricks by daylight, then scaling the highest of spiritual worlds by moonlight.
In the way of all great kabbalists, Rav Brandwein's essence and character was spiritual rather than religious or political, his love transcending religious and racial divisions that had been so prevalent during those turbulent times.  When a poverty-stricken Arab came to his construction site for a job in the early 1930s, the kabbalist saw the soul of the man, the common spark of divinity that exists within all of us, and gave the man employment, and a name to hide his identity.
The lineage of Rav Brandwein is notable. He was a family descendant of the esteemed Rav Dov Baer, a great spiritual leader in Russia during the late 18th century. Rav Dov Baer was the successor to the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Hasidic movement, and one of the greatest sages of the last 500 years.
After the bloodshed of the 1967 war in Israel, Rav Brandwein became the first citizen in the country to settle in Jerusalem. Many years later, when Jerusalem became one city, an Arab paid a visit to Brandwein's home. He brought along a barrel overflowing with fresh grapefruits. It was the same Arab that Brandwein gave employment to some 35 years before. The man's eyes were filled with tears. He told Rav Brandwein that he had waited all these years, until after the war, so that he could finally offer his heartfelt thanks for the kindness that had been shown him.
Rav Brandwein's acts of kindness and tolerance for everyone he met radiated this spiritual Light. And it warmed the soul of anyone in his presence. Therein lies the true power of Kabbalah.

la limousine

Des boeufs sur la route de Paris La Limousine est remarquée dès le 17e siècle, pour la puissance musculaire de ses animaux de trait. Les bœufs, à l’âge de 8 ans ou 10 ans, sont engraissés et acheminés à pied sur les grandes villes comme Bordeaux et Paris. Un voyage d’environ 12 à 14 jours. En 1770, la viande venant à manquer à Paris, l’Intendant Turgot transmet au bureau de Brive et de Limoges une note du Lieutenant Général de police de Paris, M. de Sartine, demandant si l’on pouvait "compter après Pâques sur les Limousins" pour l’approvisionnement de la capitale. Le bœuf Limousin pèse alors 300 à 350 kg seulement. 19e siècle : le début de la sélection des purs sangs Après quelques essais de croisement non suivis de résultats satisfaisants, les éleveurs Limousins au milieu du 19e siècle, sont de plus en plus persuadés que la sélection est la seule voie permettant d’améliorer la race bovine Limousine, avec une meilleure alimentation et une meilleure hygiène. Le Livre généalogique, Herd-Book Limousin est constitué le 18 novembre 1886. Une commission de 12 membres établit un règlement très exigeant. Après deux ans d’existence, 479 animaux sont inscrits. En 1890, Livre compte 674 animaux, 3.142 en 1897, 6.416 en 1914. La commission cesse ses activités.Depuis 1893, un concours spécial est organisé chaque année pour désigner les meilleurs animaux de la race. Tout au long de la seconde moitié du 19e siècle, la race Limousine remporte de nombreux lauriers et notamment le concours de Poissy en 1857, 1858 et 1859. Réorganisation en 1920 Après la 1re guerre mondiale, le Herd-Book Limousin renaît en 1920. Le standard de la race incite les éleveurs à produire des animaux de plus grand format. Chaque éleveur reçoit un livre de vacherie pour suivre ses efforts et les résultats de la sélection. Les animaux sont tatoués à l’oreille à l’aide d’une pince et d’une encre indélébile. Le 31 décembre 1924, le Livre du Herd-Book Limousin est fermé. Il compte 999 taureaux et 7.300 vaches. Depuis cette date, le Concours Spécial n’est ouvert qu’aux animaux inscrits. Du déclin d’après-guerre à l’expansion d’aujourd’hui Amorcé à partir des années 30, le déclin de la race Limousine se poursuit jusqu’au tournant des années 60. C’est alors que le Herd-Book, par son dynamisme, sa compétence, va devenir l’un des moteurs essentiels de la renaissance et de l’expansion de la race Limousine en France et dans le Monde. Le Herd-Book Limousin rassemble aujourd’hui en France plus de 1.750 éleveurs adhérents, regroupés dans 14 sections régionales et qui élèvent plus de 63.000 mères-vaches inscrites. Chaque année, le HBL certifie 4.900 nouveaux mâles et 27.000 femelles à partir des données généalogiques, phénotypiques et génétiques.

Histoire à Gogo

C'est toujours bon pour la culture personnelle ! 1. Si vous criez pendant 8 ans, 7 mois et 6 jours, vous produirez assez l'énergie acoustique pour chauffer une tasse de café (ça n'a pas l'air d'en valoir la peine). 2. Si vous pétez continuellement pendant 6 ans et 9 mois, assez de gaz est produit pour créer l'énergie d'une bombe atomique (Ah, là c'est mieux!). 3. Le coeur humain crée assez de pression quand il pompe le sang dans le corps pour projeter du sang à 10 mètres Cool!). 4. L'orgasme d'un cochon dure 30 minutes (salaud!!). 5. Vous dépensez 150 calories par heure en vous cognant la tête sur un mur (J'en reviens toujours pas pour le cochon.). 6. La fourmi peut soulever 50 fois son poids,tirer 30 fois son poids et tombe toujours sur son côté droit lorsqu'elle est intoxiquée.(Mais on s'en tape!) 7. Un cafard vivra 9 jours sans sa tête avant de mourir de faim. (beurk!) 8. Le mâle de la mante religieuse ne peut pas s'accoupler pendant que sa tête est attachée à son corps. La femelle déclenche le rapport en arrachant la tête du mâle. (Saletés de religieuses.) 9. Certains lions s'accouplent 50 fois par jour.(vaut mieux être lion ou cochon... ?) 10. Les papillons goûtent avec leurs pieds. («zont » des pieds les papillons??) 11. Les éléphants sont les seuls animaux qui ne peuvent pas sauter.(Et c'est mieux comme ça.) 12. L'urine de chat brille sous « lumière noire». J'avais pas vraiment besoin de savoir ça non plus.) 13. L'oeil d'une autruche est plus gros que son cerveau. (Je connais des gens comme ça !) 14. L'étoile de mer n'a pas de cerveau. (Je connais des gens comme ça aussi!) 15. Les ours polaires sont gauchers.(Comment est-ce qu'on prouve ça?Ils lui ont donné un crayon et... « dessine-moi un phoque» ? Mais bon sang,vive la science où alors les scientifiques ont vraiment rien d'autre à foutre!) 16. Les humains et les dauphins sont les seules espèces animales à avoir des relations sexuelles pour le plaisir. (Noooon!!!... le cochon est si con que ça?). Des fois, vaut mieux rien savoir... 17. La grande baleine bleue produit un peu plus de 400 litres de sperme quand elle éjacule, mais seulement 10% de cette quantité est utilisée pendant la fécondation avec la femelle. Donc, 360 litres sont perdus dans l'océan à chaque accouplement... Et après ça, vous vous demandez pourquoi l'eau de mer a un goût salé... Qu'on se le dise! Bonne baignade........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Un mec décide d'aller chercher des escargots... Il en a ramassé une bonne provision, et rentre chez lui, lorsqu'en en chemin, il rencontre un pote, et ils décident d'aller boire un petit verre, au bistrot du coin. Ils sont rejoints par un autre et un autre encore, et en retrouvent d'autres au bistrot, ce qui fait que de tournées en tournées, le premier est complètement bourré, et il est fort tard lorsqu'il se décide à rentrer chez lui. Il arrive au bas de l'escalier à pas feutrés, mais se mélange les pinceaux et s'étale par terre, lâchant son sac. Les escargots profitent de l'ouverture du sac pour sortir de celui-ci. En entendant le vacarme de la chute, Madame pointe son nez en haut de l'escalier, l'air pas contente du tout. Monsieur, qui essaie vainement de se remettre debout, se dit qu'il va prendre une bonne enguelade, et soudain, une idée géniale lui traverse l'esprit ! Il fait un large geste d'encouragement vers les escargots qui se baladent un peu partout, et leur dit d'une voix forte: "Allez les petits, encore un peu de courage, on est presque 'arrivés !" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'est un homme qui sort de chez lui le soir pour aller acheter des cigarettes. Au tabac du coin, il fait connaissance avec une superbe jeune fille qui lui semble particulièrement chaude. Apres quelques verres, ils conviennent d'aller passer un moment dans son appartement. Mais, après la partie de jambes en l’air, le gars réalise qu'il est 4 heures du matin : - Oh non... Ma femme va me tuer !... J'ai une idée ! As-tu du talc ? La fille lui donne du talc. Il s'en empare et commence a s'en frotter les mains. Puis il rentre chez lui. A la maison, sa femme l'attend dans le couloir. Elle est furieuse : - Dis-moi ! D'ou est-ce que tu viens encore ??? - Eh bien, chérie, en fait... Je suis allé au tabac pour m'acheter des cigarettes, et la-bas, j'ai rencontre une superbe fille. On a bu quelques verres et, tu sais, elle était vraiment excitée, et comme elle était vraiment très jolie, je suis allé chez elle... au lit... - Ah ouais ?! Fais-moi voir tes mains (et ce faisant, elle lui prend les mains et tourne ses paumes vers la lumière). Espèce de fichu menteur ! T'as encore été au bowling, hein ?!

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] ( listen); 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler was at the centre of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.
Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joined the German Workers' Party (precursor of the NSDAP) in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup d'état in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, he transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism.
Hitler's aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe. To this end, his foreign and domestic policies had the aim of seizing Lebensraum ("living space") for the Germanic people. He directed the rearmament of Germany and the invasion of Poland by the Wehrmacht in September 1939, resulting in the outbreak of World War II in Europe. Under Hitler's rule, in 1941 German forces and their European allies occupied most of Europe and North Africa. In 1943, Germany was forced onto the defensive and suffered a series of escalating defeats. In the final days of the war, during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, Hitler married his long-time partner, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less than two days later, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by the Red Army, and their corpses were burned.
Hitler's aggressive foreign policy is considered to be the primary cause of the outbreak of World War II in Europe. His antisemitic policies and racially motivated ideology resulted in the deaths of at least 5.5 million Jews, and millions of other people whom he and his followers deemed racially inferior.

The Notorious B.I.G.

Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), best known as The Notorious B.I.G. or Biggie Smalls, was an American rapper.
Wallace was raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. When he released his debut album Ready to Die in 1994, he became a central figure in the East Coast hip hop scene and increased New York's visibility in the genre at a time when West Coast hip hop was dominant in the mainstream. The following year, Wallace led his childhood friends to chart success through his protégé group, Junior M.A.F.I.A. While recording his second album, Wallace was heavily involved in the growing East Coast/West Coast hip hop feud.
On March 9, 1997, Wallace was killed by an unknown assailant in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles. His double-disc set Life After Death, released 16 days later, rose to No. 1 on the U.S. album charts and was certified Diamond in 2000, one of the few hip hop albums to receive this certification. Wallace was noted for his "loose, easy flow", dark semi-autobiographical lyrics and storytelling abilities. Two more albums have been released since his death. He has certified sales of 17 million units in the United

Eazy-E Musical career

N.W.A and Eazy-Duz-It (1987–91)

N.W.A was formed when Ruthless signees Dr. Dre and Ice Cube wrote "Boyz-n-the-Hood". It included Wright, Dr. Dre, and Ice Cube, and later DJ Yella, MC Ren, and Arabian Prince. The compilation album N.W.A. and the Posse was released on November 6, 1987, and would go on to be certified Gold in the United States. The album featured N.W.A collaborating with the Fila Fresh Crew, a West Coast rap group originally based in Dallas, Texas.
Eazy-E's debut album, Eazy-Duz-It, was released on September 16, 1988, and featured twelve tracks. It was labeled as West Coast hip hop, Gangsta rap, and Golden age hip hop. It has sold over 2.5 million copies in the United States and reached number forty-one on the Billboard 200. The album was produced by Dr. Dre and DJ Yella and largely written by Ice Cube, with contributions from MC Ren and The D.O.C.. Both Glen Boyd from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and MTV's Jon Wiederhorn claimed that Eazy-Duz-It "paved the way" for N.W.A's most controversial album, Straight Outta Compton. Wright's only solo in the album was a remix of the song "8 Ball", which originally appeared on N.W.A and the Posse. The album featured Wrights's writing and performing; he performed on eight songs and helped write four songs.
After the release of Straight Outta Compton, Ice Cube left due to internal disputes, and the group continued as a four-piece ensemble. N.W.A released 100 Miles and Runnin' and Niggaz4Life in 1991. A diss war started between N.W.A and Ice Cube when "100 Miles and Runnin'" and "Real Niggaz" were released. Ice Cube responded with "No Vaseline" on Death Certificate. Wright performed on seven of the eighteen songs on Niggaz4Life.
In March 1991 Wright accepted an invitation to a lunch benefiting the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle, hosted by then-President George H. W. Bush. A spokesman for the rapper said that Eazy-E supported Bush because of his performance in the Gulf War.

End of N.W.A and feud with Dr. Dre (1991–94)

N.W.A began to split up after Jerry Heller became the band's manager. Dr. Dre recalls: "The split came when Jerry Heller got involved. He played the divide and conquer game. Instead of taking care of everybody, he picked one nigga to take care of and that was Eazy. And Eazy was like, 'I'm taken care of, so fuck it'." Dre sent Suge Knight to look into Eazy's financial situation because he was beginning to grow suspicious of Eazy and Heller. Dre asked Eazy to release him from the Ruthless Records contract, but Eazy refused. The impasse led to what reportedly transpired between Knight and Eazy at the recording studio where Niggaz4life was recorded. After he refused to release Dre, Knight declared to Eazy that he had kidnapped Heller and was holding him prisoner in a van. The rumor did not convince Eazy to release Dre from his contract, and Knight threatened Eazy's family: Knight gave Eazy a piece of paper that contained Eazy's mother's address, telling him, "I know where your mama stays." Eazy finally signed Dre's release, officially ending N.W.A.
The feud with Dr. Dre continued after a track on Dre's The Chronic contained lyrics that insulted Eazy-E. Eazy responded with the EP It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa, featuring the tracks "Real Muthaphuckkin G's" and "It's On". The album, which was released on October 25, 1993, contains pictures of Dre wearing "lacy outfits and makeup" when he was a member of the Electro-hop World Class Wreckin' Cru.


Eric Lynn Wright (September 7, 1963 – March 26, 1995), better known by his stage name Eazy-E who is affectionately called "The Godfather Of Gangsta Rap" was an American rapper who performed solo and in the hip hop group N.W.A. Wright was born to Richard and Kathie Wright in Compton, California. After dropping out of high school in the tenth grade, he supported himself primarily by selling drugs before investing in Ruthless Records and becoming a rapper. When Ruthless artist Ice Cube wrote "Boyz-n-the-Hood", Dre, Cube, and Eazy formed N.W.A. After DJ Yella, MC Ren, and Arabian Prince joined the group, N.W.A released N.W.A. and the Posse. In 1988, they released their most controversial album, Straight Outta Compton. The group released two more albums and then disbanded after Eazy released Dr. Dre from his contract.
Eazy's main influences included 1970s funk groups, contemporary rappers, and comedians. When reviewing Eazy's albums, many critics noted his unique overall style, with Steve Huey of the All Music Guide summing up: "While his technical skills as a rapper were never the greatest, his distinctive delivery (invariably described as a high-pitched whine), over-the-top lyrics, and undeniable charisma made him a star."

Career tupac shakur

1991–92: Beginnings and rise to fame

Shakur's professional entertainment career began in the early 1990s, when he debuted his rapping skills in a vocal turn in Digital Underground's "Same Song" from the soundtrack to the 1991 film Nothing but Trouble and also appeared with the group in the film of the same name. The song was later released as the lead song of the Digital Underground extended play (EP) This is an EP Release, the follow-up to their debut hit album Sex Packets. Shakur appeared in the accompanying music video. After his rap debut, he performed with Digital Underground again on the album Sons of the P. Later, he released his first solo album, 2Pacalypse Now. Though the album did not generate any "Top Ten" hits, 2Pacalypse Now is hailed by many critics and fans for its underground feel, with many rappers such as Nas, Eminem, Game, and Talib Kweli having pointed to it as inspiration.[28] Although the album was originally released on Interscope Records, rights of it are now owned by Amaru Entertainment. The album's name is a reference to the 1979 film Apocalypse Now.
The album generated significant controversy. Dan Quayle criticized it after a Texas youth's defense attorney claimed he was influenced by 2Pacalypse Now and its strong theme of police brutality before shooting a state trooper. Quayle said, "There's no reason for a record like this to be released. It has no place in our society." The record was important in showcasing 2Pac's political conviction and his focus on lyrical prowess. On MTV's Greatest Rappers of All Time List, 2Pacalypse Now was listed as one of 2Pac's "certified classic" albums, along with Me Against the World, All Eyez On Me and The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. 2Pacalypse Now went on to be certified Gold by the RIAA. It featured three singles; "Brenda's Got a Baby", "Trapped", and "If My Homie Calls". 2Pacalypse Now can be found in the Vinyl Countdown and in the instruction manual for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, along with the track "I Don't Give a Fuck," which appeared on the in-game radio station, Radio Los Santos.
His second studio album, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., was released in February 1993. The album did better than the previous one debuting on number 24 on the Billboard 200. The album contains many tracks emphasizing Tupac's political and social views. This album had more commercial success than its predecessor, and there were noticeable differences in production. While Tupac's first effort had an indie-rap-oriented sound, this album was considered his "breakout" album. It spawned the hits "Keep Ya Head Up" and "I Get Around" and reached platinum status. On vinyl, Side A (tracks 1–8) was labeled the "Black Side" and Side B (tracks 9–16) the "Dark Side." It's known as his tenth-biggest selling album with 1,366,000 units moved as of 2004.

1994-95: Acting and Rise to prominence

In late 1993, Shakur formed the group Thug Life with a number of his friends, including Big Syke, Macadoshis, his stepbrother Mopreme Shakur, and Rated R. The group released their only album Thug Life: Volume 1 on September 26, 1994, which went gold. The album featured the single "Pour Out a Little Liquor," produced by Johnny "J" Jackson, who went on to produce a large part of Shakur's album All Eyez on Me. The group usually performed their concerts without Shakur. The album was originally released by Shakur's label Out Da Gutta Records. Due to criticism about gangsta rap at the time, the original version of the album was scrapped and re-recorded with many of the original songs being cut. Among the notable tracks on the album are "Bury Me a G," "Cradle to the Grave," "Pour Out a Little Liquor" (which also appears in the soundtrack to the 1994 film Above the Rim), "How Long Will They Mourn Me?" and "Str8 Ballin'." The album contains ten tracks because Interscope Records felt many of the other recorded songs were too controversial to release. Although the original version of the album was not completed, Tupac performed the planned first single from the album, "Out on Bail" at the 1994 Source Awards. Although the album was originally released on Shakur's label Out Da Gutta, Amaru Entertainment, the label owned by the mother of Tupac Shakur, has since gained the rights to it. Thug Life: Volume 1 was certified Gold. The track "How Long Will They Mourn Me?" appeared later in 1998 from 2Pac's Greatest Hits album.
The album was very well received, with many calling it the magnum opus of his career. It is considered one of the greatest and most influential hip hop albums of all-time. It is his fourth biggest selling album with 2,439,000 units moved to date. Me Against the World won best rap album at the 1996 Soul Train Music Awards.
"Dear Mama" was released as the album's first single in February 1995, along with the track "Old School" as the B-side.[35] "Dear Mama" would be the album's most successful single, topping the Hot Rap Singles chart, and peaking at the ninth spot on the Billboard Hot 100. The single was certified platinum in July 1995, and later placed at #51 on the year-end charts. The second single, "So Many Tears", was released in June, four months after the first single. The single would reach the number six spot on the Hot Rap Singles chart, and the 44th on the Billboard Hot 100. "Temptations", released in August, was the third and final single from the album. The single would be the least successful of the three released, but still did fairly well on the charts, reaching number 68 on the Billboard Hot 100, 35 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks, and 13 on the Hot Rap Singles charts.

1996: Continued success and final album

Shakur in 1996, performing at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, California.
All Eyez on Me was the fourth studio album by 2Pac, released on February 13, 1996 by Death Row Records and Interscope Records. The album is frequently recognized as one of the crowning achievements of 1990s rap music. It has been said that "despite some undeniable filler, it is easily the best production 2Pac's ever had on record". It was certified 5× Platinum after just 2 months in April 1996 and 9× platinum in 1998. The album featured the Billboard Hot 100 number one singles "How Do U Want It" and "California Love". It featured 5 singles in all, the most of any 2Pac album. Moreover, All Eyez On Me (which was the only Death Row release to be distributed through PolyGram by way of Island Records) made history as the first double-full-length hip-hop solo studio album released for mass consumption. It was issued on two compact discs and four LPs. Chartwise, All Eyez on Me was the second album from 2Pac to hit number-one on both the Billboard 200 and the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts. It sold 566,000 copies in the first week of its release, and was charted on the top 100 with the top one-week Soundscan sales since 1991. The album won the 1997 Soul Train R&B/Soul or Rap Album of the Year Award.Shakur also won the Award for Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist at the 24th Annual American Music Awards.
Makaveli The Don - Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, commonly shortened to The 7 Day Theory, is the fifth and final studio album by Tupac Shakur, under the new stage name Makaveli, finished before his death and his first studio album to be posthumously released. The album was completely finished in a total of seven days during the month of August 1996. The lyrics were written and recorded in only three days and mixing took an additional four days. These are among the very last songs he recorded before his fatal shooting on September 7, 1996. In 2005, ranked Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory at #9 on their greatest hip hop albums of all time list and, in 2006, recognized it as a classic. The emotion and anger showcased on the album has been admired by a large part of the hip-hop community, including other rappers. Ronald "Riskie" Brent is the creator of the Makaveli Don Killuminati cover painting. George "Papa G" Pryce, Former Head of Publicity for Death Row, claimed that "Makaveli which we did was a sort of tongue and cheek and it was not really to come out and after Tupac was murdered, it did come out. But before that it was going to be a sort of an underground." The album peaked at number one on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart and the Billboard 200. The album generated the second-highest debut-week sales total of any album that year, selling 664,000 copies on the first week. This album was certified 4× Platinum on June 15, 1999.[