mardi 24 septembre 2013


L’histoire entre El Hadj Mama Aw et Thierno Bassirou Tall khalife de la famille omarienne est restée dans beaucoup d’esprits.  
C’est sous la demande de ce dernier que Mama Aw se retira de ses champs  et des disciples commmencèrent à faire ce travail à sa place
Il y a aussi l’histoire de l’eau du fleuve qui ètait inbuvable que Hadj Mama Aw a rendu douce et buvable.Vous aurez le plaisir de lire cette histoire dans l’article des miracles que Hadj Mama Aw avait fait durant son temps.
Il nous a quitté en 1991, le 02 Aout.Il revint dans sa maison pour sauver la vie à une dizaine de disciples en 1993. Phénoméne étonnant!
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty , and He is Able to do all things ,Who hath created life and death that He may try you ,
which of you is best in conduct ; and He is the Mighty ,
Forgiving ,Who hath created seven heavens in harmony .
Thou ( Muhammad ) canst see no fault in the Beneficen
t One ‘ s creation ; then look again : Canst thou see any rifts?    
then look again and yet again , thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim . 
And verily We have beatified the world ‘ s heaven with lamps , and We have made them missiles for the devils , and for them We have prepared the doom of flame .And for those who disbelieve in their Lord there is the doom of hell , a hapless journey ‘ s end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boileth up  
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty , and He is Able to do all things ,Who hath created life and death that He may try you ,
which of you is best in conduct ; and He is the Mighty ,
Forgiving ,Who hath created seven heavens in harmony .
Thou ( Muhammad ) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One ‘ s creation ; then look again : Canst thou see any rifts?    
then look again and yet again , thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim . 
And verily We have beatified the world ‘ s heaven with lamps , and We have made them missiles for the devils , and for them We have prepared the doom of flame .And for those who disbelieve in their Lord there is the doom of hell , a hapless journey ‘ s end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boileth up  
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty , and He is Able to do all things ,Who hath created life and death that He may try you ,
which of you is best in conduct ; and He is the Mighty ,
Forgiving ,Who hath created seven heavens in harmony .
Thou ( Muhammad ) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One ‘ s creation ; then look again : Canst thou see any rifts?    
then look again and yet again , thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim . 
And verily We have beatified the world ‘ s heaven with lamps , and We have made them missiles for the devils , and for them We have prepared the doom of flame .And for those who disbelieve in their Lord there is the doom of hell , a hapless journey ‘ s end!
When they are flung therein they hear its roaring as it boileth up 

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